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BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONSApplications will open on March 6, 2024 and close on March 27, 2024.  Elections will be held from the eligible candidates in April 2024.  Elected candidates will take office July 1, 2024.

Please complete the following application to become a candidate for our Board of Directors:

        Board of Director Application 2024                                           


To be considered for the Board of Directors, the applicant must be:
  1. A licensed school counselor with at least three (3) years experience
  2. A member of Magnolia State SCA 
  3. A member of ASCA for at least three (3) years


Elected Board Members shall:

  1. Serve as a voting member of the Governing Board.

  2. Bring concerns of constituents to the attention of the Board with recommendation for action.

  3. Assist the Professional Development and Conference Committees in planning and facilitating programs for MSSCA conferences, workshops, and online programming.

  4. Facilitate sharing session(s) at the MSSCA conference or other professional development activities.

  5. Participate in the creation and/or review of MSSCA’s Strategic Plan as well as give input to the annual work plan.

  6. Write articles for Magnolia State SCA Newsletter.

  7. Check the MSSCA website regularly for errors, omissions and outdated material

  8. Work with the Membership and Outreach Committee to generate new membership by proposing incentives or initiatives for new members as well as supporting current membership.

  9. Attend meetings on a regular basis as well as the annual summer Leadership Development Institute.

  10. Represent MSSCA at a selected share of the affiliate meetings.

  11. Serve as liaison to the assigned committee or focus area. 

  12. Submit a budget request to the budget and finance committee when requested. 

  13. Complete ASCA U Leadership courses within the first year of election. 

Board Member Code of Conduct

Board Members’ Code of Conduct

As a leader who helps to promote excellence in the profession of school counseling, it is my ethical responsibility to see that the work of my school counseling association board meets the standards and goals that result in significant progress for the profession in Mississippi. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance the board meeting operates as efficiently and as judiciously as possible as based on Policy Governance methods. To not follow this code is to hinder the collective work to advance the profession of school counseling. As a fully responsible and participating member of the leadership MSSCA, I will demonstrate my commitment to the association and the profession by agreeing to the following:

  • I will read/re-read the bylaws and policies under which the Board operates.

  • I will fulfill the duties and responsibilities of my position.

  • I will abide by the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors.

  • I will prepare for, attend, and participate in the meetings of the Board and committees to which appointment has been accepted.

  • If I have any items to be placed on the upcoming Board Meeting Agenda, I will deliver such items one week prior to the meeting.

  • If I am a committee chair, I will deliver a committee report during the Board meeting.

  • I will ensure that each matter is dealt with in a fair, equitable, impartial and just manner based on what is best for school counselors, and ultimately, the students served.

  • I will accept responsibility and accountability for the decisions made by the Board, regardless of personal opinion and I will not  through word or deed, undermine the collective decision of the Board. I will speak with one voice for this professional association.

  • I will avoid any conflicts of interest with respect to my fiduciary responsibility.

  • I will demonstrate mutual respect and support the opinions of other Board members.

  • I will not speak or act for the Board without proper authorization.

  • I will carefully consider and respect the opinions of other Board members

  • I will submit all required reports to the Board in a timely manner.

  • I will attend Board meetings regularly, realizing that if I miss two consecutive meetings in a year, I may be asked to reconsider my commitment to my position on the Board.

  • I will inform the Chair/Assistant Chair of any conflicts I may have with scheduled Board meetings and will follow-up with other Board members to find out what responsibilities I may need to fulfill to the organization. 

  • I will act in a professional manner at any time I am representing MSSCA or interacting with constituents. 


For more information, please view our Bylaws:

Bylaws Election of Board of Directors.docx


PO Box 5053

Brandon MS 39047-5053

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